Start Your School Year of Lifelong Learning

Start your School Year of Lifelong Learning

“This is a new year.  A new beginning. And things will change.” – Taylor Swift

You have completed school, are fully in your career, and have growth goals and aspirations. Yet, as fall approaches and people of all ages return to school, now is a time to reflect on how we continue our own lifelong learning. All the leaders I work with succeed because they make their ongoing development a priority for themselves and their team. Focus on expanding your knowledge base with creative contributions or industry insights. From online courses to webinars and podcasts, there’s plenty for you to explore during the start of this school year! Let’s take a look at the basic principles you need to cultivate lifelong learning and the first 4 steps you can take to start your school year.

“Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by becoming your best self.”  – Bobbie Goheen

Ten truths you will have to accept to attend the university of life:

  1. We are all works in progress and there are always new skills to learn to apply.
  2. It takes focus, time, and financial investment to grow yourself and others.
  3. Reading a book is knowledge. Click here to view my favorites on my recommended reading page.
  4. Learning to apply skills requires access to tools, models, and experienced mentors/coaches who have already utilized them in multiple venues.
  5. Be willing to make mistakes to gain new skills and abilities.
  6. Weaknesses are the indicators to build new strengths.
  7. Take responsibility for your growth and development – don’t wait for your manager to come to you with a plan, go to them with a plan and gain their insight and input.
  8. Developing others takes patience, trust, and planning.
  9. Do not assess others on their personality, assess them on their performance, teamwork, and contributions to the vision.
  10. As you gain skills, remember it takes time to build them as you provide others with the opportunity to develop.

Start Your School Year of Leadership Excellence Now

“Develop a passion for learning.  If you do, you will never cease to grow.” – Anthony D’Angelo

  1. Identify your top three goals to grow as a leader. If you do not know, ask for feedback from key stakeholders.
  2. Define the specific skills you need to develop.
  3. Develop a plan with milestones of achievement from September through June.
  4. Tap into our leadership excellence and management skills programs!

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” — Pelé

Success Formula:

Success = Plan + focus x commitment

Success is a plan, focus, and commitment. Learn from our elders, they have the ingredients to the secret sauce of success.

Welcome back to the Leadership Academy!