Reflect to Reconnect


I have an annual ritual of going on sabbatical for a week on my own – to step out of the day-to-day with no phone, no technology, and where no one knows me, to just be. Last month, after waiting a year and a half for this practice, I flew to the mountains of Colorado for a retreat and here is what I came back with: me, the heart of me. When I do this, I have a full love for life and bring all of me to each moment, allowing me to feel true, alive, curious, a zest for life, and sincerity … I feel appreciated, by me.

I often encourage the executives I work with to take time off to reflect, play and have fun. They do take time off and when they come back, I can see in their eyes that they are whole, centered, and stronger.

I am sure there are data and articles about this need to take time away. And it is not the articles or data you need to listen to; it is your inner wisdom that going on vacation or retreat is as important as flying across the world to attend a key meeting. I find that when I take care of myself, I am better in the world. As leaders, we send a huge message when we cherish those we love and honor those we work with. It is that simple. I work with brilliant, creative, and extremely capable executives, and when they take care of themselves, their heart shows through their work. That is really what it is all about – that we allow our hearts to spark others.

Take time to get off the highway of your busyness of life and get on the off-ramp to the nature of you. Reconnect with the voice within that has the creativity and passion, allowing you to flourish and connect well with others. Find you again and be you even more.

As one client said to me recently, “I noticed your spark was gone and I am glad to see it again.” If you think people don’t notice when you have less of your zest, think again.

Go away and do what celebrates the heart of you, and then come back to us.

Retreat, reflect, renew, and be you.
