
How to Delegate and Drive Success

Every executive who moves into their personal best of leadership has the ability to shed control to the appropriate people. Transitioning from control to empowerment is not only challenging but essential, especially when shifts in economy and market require organizations to shift. While it may be important to right-size and downsize, it is imperative that this not be the control mechanism you use to lead or guide a team or company. The key to success lies in growth —growth that is fueled by letting go of outdated practices and embracing activities that push your organization forward. As a leader, you need to understand how to delegate and how it can unlock new opportunities, drive innovation and foster team growth.

Recognizing Delegation Opportunities

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell

Identify valuable opportunities to delegate to enhance your leadership effectiveness and team performance. Look for these indicators for when it is time to let go:

  • No one can do it as well as you. This mindset limits your ability to focus on higher-level responsibilities and stifles team growth. If you often find yourself thinking that only you can handle certain tasks to the desired standard, it is a signal to train and empower others.
  • You have all the right answers. When you consistently provide all the solutions, it can prevent your team from developing their problem-solving skills. Encouraging others to contribute ideas fosters a collaborative environment and enhances team capability.
  • You get involved in the tactics of the business. Getting tangled up in the day-to-day operations detracts from your strategic planning and leadership duties. Delegating tactical tasks allows you to focus on guiding your team and steering toward the vision.
  • A new project cannot move through your company without your involvement. It’s time to work on trusting others with decision-making. This not only speeds up workflow, it also builds autonomy and confidence within your team.
  • Your people never quite get it right…without you. This is a sign that you and your team need clearer communication and more delegation. Providing guidance and empowering team members to take ownership can lead to improved outcomes and reduced dependency on your oversight.

“When you let go, you let grow.” Bobbie Goheen

Benefits of Delegation

Leaders who successfully release control and know how to delegate effectively are privy to benefits that enhance both their leadership and their organization’s success:

  • Better decision makers. By delegating tasks, leaders can focus on strategic decision-making. This leads to more informed choices that consider the bigger picture, ultimately benefiting the entire organization.
  • See new opportunities and influence the right people to make it happen. Delegation frees up mental bandwidth, allowing leaders to identify and pursue new opportunities. It also enables them to cultivate relationships and influence key stakeholders to drive initiatives forward.
  • Create high growth companies, teams and organizations. Empowering others to take on responsibilities fosters an environment of trust and innovation. This creates a culture where individuals are motivated to contribute, leading to accelerated growth and success.
  • Take risks. Giving your team authority encourages calculated risk-taking, while giving you the time and resources to explore new ventures. This approach can lead to breakthroughs and competitive advantages in the market.
  • Are better able to move to new frontiers. With a strong support system in place, leaders can focus on exploring new territories and expanding the organization’s reach. This proactive approach ensures continuous evolution and flexibility.
  • Understand their role is to create the path instead of follow others. With delegation, leaders can focus on vision-setting and strategic direction rather than getting bogged down in daily tasks.
  • Have great synergy in their direct report meetings. When leaders delegate effectively, their meetings become more collaborative and productive. This synergy fosters open communication and strengthens relationships with team members.

Delegation Strategies

Successful leaders are characterized by their ability to effectively delegate, leveraging their teams to achieve remarkable results. Beyond simply delegating more, these strategies for building your team and keeping focus on what’s important will drive better delegation:

  • Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you – and leverage that. Recognizing the value in others’ expertise allows leaders to build a diverse and skilled team. Tap into the unique talents and insights of team members to drive innovation and achieve superior outcomes.
  • Describe the end goal, the current reality, the opportunity and let people define a path forward. You need to clearly communicate the vision and objectives while allowing team members to chart their own course to success. This approach not only fosters creativity and ownership but also encourages problem-solving and initiative. By providing a framework and stepping back, leaders empower their teams to develop solutions that align with the overall strategy.
  • Look for new ways to grow opportunities. Staying open to new ideas and approaches is crucial in a rapidly changing environment. Leaders who encourage their teams to explore novel opportunities for growth and expansion will go further, faster. By delegating the responsibility to identify and pursue these opportunities, leaders can capitalize on emerging trends and maintain a competitive edge.
  • Realize you need a new path forward and engage your team and trusted advisors to help you. Embracing change is a hallmark of successful leadership. When faced with challenges or the need for transformation, involve your team and trusted advisors in crafting a new direction. This collaborative effort generates innovative solutions and ensures everyone is invested in the journey ahead.

“Change is never easy, you fight to hold on, and you fight to let go.” – The Wonder Years

How to Delegate Effectively

Now it’s time to take intentional steps toward empowering teams and optimizing your own focus and productivity. Here are some practical actions to implement:

  • Make a list of what you do and release 80% to the talented people around you. Begin by conducting a thorough audit of your daily tasks and responsibilities. Identify which tasks can be entrusted to capable team members. By delegating up to 80% of your workload, you free yourself up to concentrate on more strategic initiatives. This not only maximizes your efficiency but also provides growth opportunities for your team as they take on new responsibilities.
  • Define three key activities to give your full attention that will forge an important path for your company, team, or industry. Determine the core activities that have the greatest potential to drive significant impact. These are the tasks where your unique leadership skills and insights are most needed.
  • Take the risk to do the things you do not want to do because you intellectualized them as too much time and effort. Often, the tasks we avoid are the ones that challenge us to grow. Embrace these tasks and view them as opportunities to step outside your comfort zone. While they may seem daunting, taking on these challenges can lead to personal and professional growth, as well as innovative solutions that benefit your organization.

We are only as great as our ability to grow and let go…

Bobbie Goheen