7 Indicators of a Real Leader

Bobbie Goheen in in the real world, leadership is about the ability to move, touch and inspire others to a new vision and better future

Leadership in many countries and companies people is attributed to a position. However, in the real world, leadership is about the ability to move, touch and inspire others to a new vision and better future.

Here are the key indicators of a leader in today’s world

1. Positive Assumption – They assume positive intent in all communications and engagements – by creating a foundation of assuming positive intent they are enrolling others in their goals and aligning towards the best outcome for all.

2. Powerful Growth – The people around them grow and develop to achieve and succeed in new areas. They are consistently involved in fun and dynamic challenges which allows them to create growth for the company and accelerate their careers.

3. Confident – They are not threatened by others who maybe more capable, effective and/or creative then they are in any venue. They seek out others who are strong, bright, and capable to make them part of their team.

4. Delight in Diversity – They surround themselves with people who are not like them to build more robust and expansive solutions and ideas to have even greater success. This diversity allows them to see change quickly and adapt with ease and speed to the trends short and long term

5. Savvy Communications – They understand the impact of their communications and power of the role they hold, and use it for the good of the many. They focus on clarity, consistency and alignment with each opportunity.

6. Courageous – They don’t ignore the truth when they see it in themselves, in others, in situations, and the world. Truth telling is their best kept secret that supports their ability to see around the corner.

7. Inclusive Relationship Building– They consistently reach out to others in all venues. They are attentive to treating each person with dignity and respect. As their role or position grows they make sure to actively engage at all levels in a company, community, culture, etc. They don’t stay in their comfort zones of people they know.

These are a few of the key components which allow real leaders to grow and succeed in an increasing complex world.