The Hidden Path to Success


There is a hidden path to success – it is to embrace failure. Leaders who are aware of this asset seek it out and use it as a launch point to success. In our world, many applaud success, and they do not realize that true success comes from the embracing of failure.

To embrace failure, successful leaders use the following practices:

  • See issues and problems as insights and opportunities.
  • Create an environment where others can share their perspectives and encourage all forms of discussion, positive and negative.
  • Understand the importance of risk and often take it (after first calculating the odds).
  • Learn to identify their assumptions upfront and quickly adapt as they are proven wrong.
  • Don’t take failure personally, take it as an opportunity to learn.
  • Seek out ideas and suggestions from all avenues available.
  • Courage and fortitude to continue to move forward even when they privately have personal doubt.
  • Use encouragement to keep their team motivated and moving forward.
  • See opportunity everywhere.
  • Follow their heart and use their amazing minds to develop a way to make it happen.
  • Rather than get defensive, they stay in the offensive.

Ultimately, leaders succeed through failure because they are strong, resilient, passionate, creative, resourceful, adaptable, believe in their vision and goal, and are confident in their intelligence to find a way. The hidden path to success is as the ancient Japanese saying goes, “Fall down seven times, get up eight”.

Keep adapting, learning, and defining a path forward to bring your amazing ideas, concepts, vision, and passion to life.

