2020 Visionary Leadership Series: Lesson Three


“We each create our world by what we choose to notice, creating a world of distinction that makes sense to us.
We then ‘see’ the world through the self we have created.”

Margaret J. Wheatley

Core to visionary leadership is the ability to be crystal clear in all communications. It takes passion and drive to create and communicate messages, which provide clarity, motivation, authenticity and transparency. While this statement is easy to make, it becomes tricky to accomplish, given the truth Meg Wheatley shares in the quote above.

To move, touch and inspire others using Crystal Clear Communication here are a few practices to keep in mind:

  • Be clear on your goal for the communication
  • Identify the call to action you expect
  • Think about your audience and where you share common ground
  • Be “we” centric
  • Respect what they bring to the table
  • Consider the pieces you all share as point of care, concern, challenge, vision, etc.
  • Ask why they should want to align with your communication goal
  • Think about how taking action will be supportive of the individual and the whole
  • Communicate what would make achieving this inspiring for the individual and the whole
  • Share a metaphor or story which shows the heart of the message you are trying to convey
  • Make sure your first and last statement are in alignment
  • Communicate your message verbally and visually
  • If the initiative is important, be prepared to say it at least seven times in seven different venues
  • Practice your communication with several different people before going live

Motivating communication, which creates positive and lasting change, stems from preparation, practice and adapting the communication based on feedback and input from multiple perspectives.  Crystal clear communication requires slow thinking to align intention and impact for great outcomes.

The wisdom to know each individual is hearing your message from “the world they have created” allows you to find the place of common ground to create clarity for yourself and others.

Take the time to slow down, prepare, plan and practice to gain the power of crystal clear communication and positive change!