2020 Visionary Leadership Series: Lesson One

“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal
to our better selves, a call to become something more.”
Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Leaders who are succeeding during this time of high velocity change have been exhibiting seven similar practices. In this 2020 Visionary Leadership Series you will learn the skills and practices which are creating success for leaders who can see the “desired future state” while building strong plans and actions in “the present state.”

The first practice is to: Get and Stay Connected. 

As a leader you should:

  • connect to your teams, customers, vendors, suppliers, etc., to understand what is important to them, what they are noticing, and what they need
  • look to celebrate the wins and where things are working
  • seek to understand the problems and needs
  • don’t judge on the issues
  • collaborate with others to help find a solution
  • stay connected until the solution works (or you find another way)

Leaders know that by connecting with their employees, customers, vendors, suppliers, etc. to find a better path forward they are creating relationships which grow the other as well as the leader.

It is easy to sit on the sidelines, to point out the problem and give advice to make it better.  Anyone can be a “Monday Morning Quarterback.” It is harder to have the regular conversation to build and grow others to best level of performance, whether it is inside or outside your organization. This is why leadership is not for the fainthearted. It is hard work and requires the leader to change and grow new skills daily.

Leaders who succeed get that they are in a place of learning and adapting. The best way to do this is by connecting. Start today and connect away!