
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." ~Elbert Hubbard, The Note Book, 1927 Leadership and life are a continual learning process. To learn is to engage in new situations and experiences. This ability to step into fresh experiences and learning…

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Hard Work

"Art begins with resistance - at the point where resistance is overcome. No human masterpiece has ever been created without great labor." Andre Gide The best ideas take hard work. That is why passion for an idea, concept, etc is so critical for it is the energy which fuels the…

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In the book "Playing to Win" by Larry and Hersch Wilson they define the journey of growth as playing to win. To grow requires you to challenge your core maps and redefine them to align with your values and true sense of self. This is the epitaph they share: "I…

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