2020 Visionary Leadership Series: Lesson Five

“A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition,
because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth.
Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact.”
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow

When leading a large team, it was not uncommon for someone to enter my office with the calamity of the day.  Every individual’s issue was the hottest priority.  It became clear that the best and brightest needed a framework for successfully defining issues, honing in on key trends, determining their priority, and the risk if something was knocked down to a lesser priority.

Here are the practices that my clients and I have found successful for developing high performing teams around the world:

  • Listen to trends with an open mind. Even though you may not agree with them, it is important to understand what is influencing your team, customers, marketplace and world.
  • Get to the streets and out behind your computer to connect with people who are outside of your norm to understand what trends are moving the world.
  • Identify the impact of trends on your business inside and out.
  • Define the potential down sides, up sides, and all sides of the trends.
  • Determine and plan how you want to lead through the new trend.
  • Build a team to help navigate the trend with fast communications, collaboration and integrated decision making.
  • Seek rapid adaptation to move ideas and solutions forward rapidly.

“Intelligence is not only the ability to reason;
it is also the ability to find relevant material in memory and to deploy attention when needed.”
Daniel Kahneman

The ability to track trends will provide you with the core skills to begin to see around the corner and reimagine the future to build a stronger path forward for you and your team.

Check out the video found here for additional practices to support the need for leadership in a rapidly changing world: https://vimeo.com/401068089.