
Begin Now

“The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” Anonymous The ability to see the mountain(s) and not ignore it is the first step of leadership. Leaders are clear on what is in front of them, they hear the truth, they are honest of their own reaction,

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It Takes Guts

Taking the path less traveled is not a guarantee that everything will turn out perfect and be better right away. It does mean that you will discover new ideas, new ways, new thinking, new possibilities, new people and new abilities. In addition, you will shed old constructs, old thinking, old

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Don’t be afraid

“Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great.” Fernando Flores All of us have greatness inside. To activate it is our own choice. Activating greatness requires the ability to reach down inside to be the best expression of self. It is easy to see what

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“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redmoon What does courage really mean today…… it can have so many interpretations and the one I have defined is the ability to really listen to your own voice, speak

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Does Leadership Make a Difference?

Recently I had a participant pose the question “whether practicing leadership made a difference?” At first, my brain just stumbled and my heart stopped….how could this even be a question in anyone’s mind?! Of course, there are so many examples where leadership is lacking and yet organizations and/or business continue

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Begin Now

“The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” Anonymous The ability to see the mountain(s) and not ignore it is the first step of leadership. Leaders are clear on what is in front of them, they hear the truth, they are honest of their own reaction,

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It Takes Guts

Taking the path less traveled is not a guarantee that everything will turn out perfect and be better right away. It does mean that you will discover new ideas, new ways, new thinking, new possibilities, new people and new abilities. In addition, you will shed old constructs, old thinking, old

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Don’t be afraid

“Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great.” Fernando Flores All of us have greatness inside. To activate it is our own choice. Activating greatness requires the ability to reach down inside to be the best expression of self. It is easy to see what

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“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redmoon What does courage really mean today…… it can have so many interpretations and the one I have defined is the ability to really listen to your own voice, speak

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Does Leadership Make a Difference?

Recently I had a participant pose the question “whether practicing leadership made a difference?” At first, my brain just stumbled and my heart stopped….how could this even be a question in anyone’s mind?! Of course, there are so many examples where leadership is lacking and yet organizations and/or business continue

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